Sunday, August 17, 2014

Welcome to the Church of the Open Mic

Given that you are a subscriber to my karaoke blog, I realize I am preaching to the choir, but you’re gonna love this article from the news site Turns out we singers (professional and otherwise) make better friends, say the scientists around the world—and I quote:
Singing can help people be calmer. Singing can release endorphins and oxytocin, which create feelings of trust, intimacy and euphoria. It makes people exactly the kind of friend you want around when the going gets tough. Maybe it is time for some karaoke.

Read the full article here: Why Singers Make Better Friends, According To Science

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How To Warm the Heart of a KJ

When I host a show, it’s all about making sure the singers have a good time. But as the KJ, I have a good time, too, even though I’m “at work.” What makes Karaoke Annie feel so good? Glad you asked!

  1. Your smile. A happy singer tops my feel-good list every time. If you and your friends are enjoying yourselves, it validates all the dollars and hours that I spent to build the show. And who doesn’t love being surrounded by smiling faces?
  2. Your thanks. Whether you express your appreciation with a kind word, a tip, a “like” or photo-share on Facebook, or a return visit, I get the message and I’m grateful.
  3. Your respect. When you applaud for a singer like you mean it, even when they’re not strong on talent, it makes their day—and mine. I also notice and appreciate when you treat my equipment (i.e. the microphone) and songbooks with respect, and when you return my pens and pencils instead of keeping them.
Of course I’m glad you come to karaoke night even if you don’t want to sing, because we need applauders as much as we need singers—and it’s nice to have a full house. I’m glad you choose to spend your hard-earned cash on food and drinks and tips for the wait staff as well as for your karaoke host, when you could be staying home or going to the movies. 

But trust me, karaoke really IS all about YOU, and YOU are the one who makes it all worthwhile for me just by leaving all your cares at the door and taking part in a night of joyful noise. So thank you, thank you, thank you! And come again soon!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Martes de Karaoke empieza en La Choperia

Bienvenidos a los Martes de Karaoke en La Choperia (Canal #21, Col. Centro)! Welcome to Karaoke Tuesdays at La Choperia! Venganse y disfruten de unas bebidas, botanas y canciones. Come and enjoy drinks, snacks and songs. No cover! Reservaciones: (415) 154 4545.